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Lego requires npm or yarn and node.

By default Lego compiles HTML components from the HTML files within the /bricks folder. Create the folder to host your future components: mkdir bricks.

Quick start


If you don’t have a package.json file yet, initialize first with npm init (or yarn init).

Install the compiler with npm i @polight/lego (or yarn add @polight/lego).

Basic Example

This is the file tree we will need for this example:

|- bricks/
  |- hello-world.html  → The HTML you typed

Hello World

Create a file called bricks/hello-world.html:

  const state = { name: "World!" } }

  <p>Hello ${ }</p>

Compile with npx lego (or yarn lego)

And use you component in your /index.html:

<script src="./dist/index.js" type="module"></script>

Run a local web server, eg: npx sirv-cli and open http://localhost:5000.

Let’s get a step back

What did just happen?

Here’s what you just did with this simple code:

  1. you created a native HTML element called hello-world by creating bricks/hello-world.html
  2. you made it react with a name state property
  3. you imported all components from ./dist/index.js (well, only 1 for now)
  4. you used the HTML element <hello-world></hello-world>

No magic 🪄 here, just a couple of default configuration that you can override.

You website is ready to be published on any static host, even Github Pages.