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Let’s write a web-component that:

  • displays the full name of a user
  • shows a welcome text and the user
  • list all user’s favorite fruit
  • toggles user registration


  const state = {
    registered: false,
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    fruits: [{ name: 'Apple', icon: '🍎' }, { name: 'Pineapple', icon: '🍍' }]

  function register() {
    render({ registered: confirm('You are about to register…') })

  <h1>${ state.firstName } ${ state.lastName }'s profile</h1>
  <p>Welcome ${ state.firstName }!</p>
  <section :if="state.fruits.length">
    <h3>The best ${ state.fruits.length } fruit you like:</h3>
      <li :for="fruit in state.fruits">${ } ${ fruit.icon }</li>

  <p :if="state.registered">You are registered!</p>

  <button @click="register">Register now</button>

Compile this component: npx lego bricks

Then include it in your page:


<script src="./dist/index.js" type="module"></script>

Run your web server and see your little app!

When developing you may want to automatically watch files changes. In that case pass the -w flag: npx lego -w bricks

Tip: you probably want to store this task with a shortcut like npm run watch. To do so just add "watch": "lego -w bricks" in you package.json scripts.